Investing in the Right Colour for Your Wood Flooring


When you have finalized on opting for a wood flooring installation (ปู พื้น ไม้, which is the term in Thai) in your house, color selection might come to you as a child’s play. But in reality, considering wood flooring for your house can be a challenging task. However, there are a handful of things that you can do to simplify the entire wood flooring process.

Understand that the Wood Can Change Colour with Time

If you are fancy unstained hardwood floors, know that you can add the color on the clear coat that you are using. For example, the floor will take on a golden color, if you prefer using tung oil or oil-based polyurethane. For darker floors, you must ensure they are resistant to UV, especially if they are always exposed. Lest the color might dramatically fade over time.

Keep in Mind About Your Remaining Décor

Dark hardwood flooring can make your room appear compact, in case the furniture and appliances are of dark colors. Keep all of these factors in mind, in case you wish to make your home look larger. Tuning your light-colored flooring with lighter-colored furniture followed by fixtures can make way for a classy contemporary look. Take this into consideration, if you are thinking of a vintage look. Now observe your walls closely and check if it demands repainting. 

Certain floors don’t tune well with some of the wall colors. So, if you have decided to repaint the walls, ensure the wood flooring Sanders (ช่าง ขัด พื้น ไม้, term in Thai) option that you select is versatile. 

Carry Floor Samples on Your Way Back Home

When you have zeroed in on the options, consider taking home some floor samples with you. Your options should in between 2-3 shades. As more options can make you confused. Bear in mind, that some of the wood flooring installation types are costlier, while the lesser expensive ones are stained to make them look like the expensive ones. Check the samples under the broad sunlight to check what the flooring is like after sunset.

Check the Longevity of Particular Types 

The wood type is important besides the color. Some of the wood types are robust and can stand the testament of time. So, if you fancy a particular color, ensure to check for its longevity. Particular colors might not apply to your house if the durability isn’t enough.

When you are considering wood flooring Sanders, there are several ways to determine the best color. So, take the various aspects of your home décor into consideration before finalizing on the best one.

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